Our Past, Present, and Future
My Pet Replica was initially created in the search for the “perfect” stuffed dog. (You may remember us by our previous name, Shelter Pups!) So many amazing types of dogs aren’t represented on the stuffed animal market! Mixed breeds, missing limbs or eyes, crooked teeth, unique eye or nose colors… all things that help to make a pet special!
My Pet Replicas are not traditional stuffed animals. All of our handcrafted pets emphasize the cute features and details that make your little friend unique. Each one is created in beautiful Ithaca, New York by skilled, dedicated, animal-loving artists.
In 2022, we joined forces with Challenge Workforce Solutions, also based in Ithaca. Challenge is a nonprofit focused on creating pathways to employment for people with disabilities and other barriers. Our shared passion for inclusivity made My Pet Replica and Challenge a perfect match for each other! Learn more about Challenge here.
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